Enrollment is OPEN for the Audacity Project: bonus workshop for early adapters

Enrollment is OPEN for The Audacity Project: Cycle 26

Cycle runs: March 10-May 11, 2024

Enrollment closes Friday, 3/8/24, at 11:59pm EST

Greetings, good humans! The time is nigh, enrollment is now OPEN to the public for The Audacity Project Cycle 26! Huzzah!

What it is:

The Audacity Project is a guided 8 week process to equip creatives with the tools necessary to be working professionals. It is a 100% online course in creative and professional development, and has been tried and tested with outstanding results since 2017. Note: I only want to send these emails out to people who want them; if you don't want to receive emails about the Audacity Project, but you still want to be on my list, click here.

The Audacity Project is for artists, coaches, and creatives who want to get their shit together.

  • Get clear on what you want to be doing with your creative practice
  • Build your promo kit, making going after opportunities a breeze
  • Learn how to use these materials to great effect
  • Get an actionable plan to where you want to go
  • Implement a system to take action and have the confidence to use it

The Audacity Project is a map, for those who feel like their wandering around in the dark with their hands out. There's no real career path for creatives, we have to carve one out in the jungle.

The Audacity Project wants to hand you a machete.

Your voice is completely unique. The things you have to say cannot be said by anyone else. The employment of your voice is imperative. This cycle is for those who are ready to learn how to speak up and take what they have to say seriously in their creative work.

How to enroll:

Follow this here link to learn more about the program, or you can enroll directly and save your place here. We begin our work promptly on March 10th! But enrollment is ONLY open until Friday.

The investment is $1,097 monies if you pay up front. Please be able to pay for the program without harming your quality of life.

Set the Stage! Bonus workshop for early adapters:

Early adapters that enroll in the first 24 hours will get a special private workshop called Set the Stage! to prepare them to get the MOST out of this experience. This workshop is a super easy ride- no preparation necessary just a fun and relaxed 1 hour workshop that you can save for anytime you are about to embark on an intensive process. Details will be emailed to you after enrollment, but only for folks who enroll in the first 24 hours!

Still not sure?

You can schedule a 15 minute consultation call with me here:

These calls are totally free of cost and obligation, and I'd be psyched to talk to you and answer any of your questions. I only want this for the people it can definitely help. If you're not sure that's you, talk to me! I'd be very glad to either confirm the program is a good fit for your goals, or to point you in the direction of something else.

Since the cycle is filled on a first-come-first-served basis, choose the soonest time possible for this consultation. These cycles can fill up fast- I recommend you act soon if you know this cycle is the right timing for you.

Who is it for?

  • Freelance artists of all flavors- aerialists, performers, designers...CREATIVES
  • People who already have jobs they love, but still want to pursue their creative practice in a real, tangible way
  • Coaches who have neglected their own artistic practice and WANT IT BACK
  • Established artists who are bored and want to re-enliven their practice

Here's what The Audacity Project includes:

  • 8 weeks of intensive guided work according to YOUR goals and desires, with specific, detailed instructions.
  • Weekly assignments through Teachable: lectures, worksheets, and no-nonsense tasks to get your shit together. Pinpoint exactly where you want to go, who you need to talk to to go there, how to talk to them, and how much to charge for it. BOOM.
  • Two 1:1 video calls with me, with UNLIMITED support throughout the 8 weeks
  • Weekly group classes via Zoom with Q & A and additional insights. Classes take place Tuesdays at 2pm EST
  • A private Facebook group comprised totally of people who have been through the program or are going through it with you. This is an excellent, supportive, international resource of pretty damn amazing humans.
  • Lifetime access to these materials. Alumni are welcome to attend lectures in following cycles and audit the course whenever they need a boost.
  • Assurance that this program has been tried and tested over years, with excellent results. It works.

What you walk away with:

  • Build your complete online promo kit including photos, video, a well-written strategically built biography, and a polished resume
  • Learn how to USE that promo kit to get where you want to go
  • Clarity on what you ACTUALLY want to be doing with your practice
  • Structures, exact scripts, and methods for creating opportunities, pursuing contacts, and a black-and-white "to-do" list for growing your creative empire
  • Strategies around pricing, how to negotiate and talk about money, and building packages
  • A supportive, beautiful online community of your peers
  • Support for navigating all the internal landscapes that arise on this path, including but not limited to Imposter Syndrome

Why now?

My promise to you is that there is ALWAYS something you can do to take control of your situation. At any time in your career, and no matter the circumstances, this is true. If you took action today, what could that mean for you six months from now?

What past participants are saying:

"Thank you SO MUCH for this opportunity, this was easily one of the best decisions I've made for myself. I feel so insanely grateful for your willingness to coach and share your knowledge." -Kelsey, Cycle 16

"Another TAP win! Thanks to this damn program I entered myself for an artist project with all of my completed work: my bio, artist statement, elevator pitch AND the snazzy photo collaboration I did for the course. All of that led me to quickly fill out an application. Yo! If it would have been 2 years ago you better believe I would have been like “ya know maybe I’ll just pass”, but fuck that. Ya girl is on a mission." -Gena, Cycle 14

"It's been extremely clarifying, healing and eye-opening to take a look at what I am doing, what I want to do, and what I need to do. Thank you for helping guide so many artists toward what they need to find. What an amazing program you've created. It's amazing how your program is able to benefit both the amateur and the professional artist, and artists from all walks of life. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart."- Jessica, Cycle 14

In short, I made the Audacity Project for people who are ready to get their shit together and claim their place in their world.

We begin our work THIS WEEKEND. Enrollment will CLOSE this Friday, at 11:59pm EST. The only exceptions to this will be folks who scheduled a consult call with me! There in an FAQ here for more info.

For wherever you are in your own process, I salute you. DON'T GO BACK TO SLEEP.


Ps. YES, the Audacity Project runs a supplementary tuition fund for BIPOC artists and creatives who find cost a barrier to entry. This fund is intended to support and promote the work of BIPOC voices in the creative landscape. Simply book a call or reply here to me to claim benefit to the fund. You can learn more and support this initiative here.


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