February Woo Corner is here

Fellow monsters/angels/animals,

Welcome to February! If anyone celebrated Imbolc, I hope it treated you kindly. If you've no idea what Imbolc is and want some background on that, I've got a witchy, historical podcast just for you right here. Normally, I'd have been baking bread and giving the corners of my floors their annual scrubbing. Instead, I enjoyed the holiday from Sweet Retreats, Mexico- a place I have long desired to make a pilgrimage- co-leading two retreats with my wonderful friend and colleague the great Blue Tornado herself, Jenny Tufts. Here's a little snapshot into life here at Sweet Retreats: morning pages by the pool, featuring Guaca the dog. Don't be misled by her sweet face, she's a PITA but I love her anyway. I'm pretty good at loving things that are also pains in the ass. :)

On the podlycast, January recap:

  • The Radical Responsibility of Being Seen with Dr. Shante Cofield January heralded the beginning of guest episodes on the podling! Starting with non other than the person responsible for there being a podcast in the first place, the one and only Dr. Shante Cofield, aka The Movement Maestro. This episode is a must-listen if you ask me, it was important to me to have Maestro on as the first guest, being such a massive, positive influence in my life. lucky for me she was so down for it, please enjoy half as much as I enjoyed recording it.
  • Choosing Collaborators so you don't Lose Your Mind :) by request, and I hope it saves some of you some grief while giving you permission to do the thing you actually already want to do.
  • Pre and Post Show Rituals also a requested episode, for creating sacred space before, during, and after a performance or other high-output event
  • Dealing with Competition in Small Communities: a quite spicy episode, ALSO by request. I put this one off for a while because I was really mulling it over and wanting to bring something actionable to the table without the whole conversation devolving into an airing of grievances. I hope you find some value and companionship in it.

Haps and news!

The waitlist for The Audacity Project, Cycle 26 is open and already getting loved on. If you've been interested in coming down the rabbit hole with me, this waitlist is the place to be. Cycle 26 will open for enrollment to the waitlist (and only to the waitlist) on February 26th, and to the public a week later if there is still room. This 2-month experience will shake you down to the roots of your creative practice, ask you some tough questions about what you want to do with your art, and give you the tools to build your promo kit so you can start doing that on purpose. You can read more about The Audacity Project here, or click the button below to be added directly to the waitlist:

February Woo Corner

Without further ado, the Functional Woo for February is:

You know that scene in The Wizard of Oz where the wizard desperately commands "pay no attention to the man behind the green curtain!" Yeah well I'm going to say the opposite of that right now.

February's card is an official invitation to pull back the curtain and see what's REALLY going on with you. It's not actually an invitation, though. It's more like a summons. January was already kind of...not a request, so 2024 so far has been quite bossy where the functional woo is concerned.

The Moon rules all that is subconscious, all that is hidden, and the shadowy desires and wisdom that we all have lurking in the back of the theater. All that lurks comes to the light at some point, so grab a flashlight because if you're curious to know what's happening behind the curtain, now is the time.

Things that accompany looking behind the proverbial curtain include disillusionment, particularly in areas where we've been doing a great job of fooling ourselves into complacency. Sound fun yet? But considering the alternative is to remain in a state of self-delusion, I think we can all agree that we'd prefer to see things clearly.

This is NOT a negative card. The Moon is an invitation to do some shadow work, and acknowledge and integrate aspects of ourselves that we'd rather not admit to. This isn't a bad thing, but it's often an uncomfortable thing. It shouldn't be taken lightly. If you're going to peer into the abyss, it behooves you to have tools and help along the way. Know who your supports are and call on them as needed. Don't be lame and try to martyr yourself by going it alone- that's dusty and unnecessary BS. We are not built to be islands.

So grab yourself a trusted friend and have a nice long look into your own abyss to see what's staring back at you. And remember...it's not a murderous ghoul. It's YOU. Like the moon, it's always there whether or not you can see it. We have an opportunity this month to see more than usual if we look for it.

Don't blink. And, don't go back to sleep.



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