Flaming June's Woo Corner

Greetings, most excellent humans, and finally- WELCOME TO SUMMER! If you've come just for the functional woo, you can find it at the bottom of this email. If you're at your leisure, sit down. Stay awhile, you're very welcome.

If you had a liberal arts education which- I suspect- a fair amount of you had, the subject of this email might bring to mind this Victorian-era painting from Frederic Leighton:

That's it, there's no lesson involved. I just really like this painting and it feel victorious to wake up every morning, open my eyes, and know that IT'S JUNE.

On Creatrix:

It finally happened. 12 powerful individuals, 1 kitchen witch/magician, 1 liaison extraordinaire, 1 manflesh, and myself all combined our powers and the first Creatrix finally lives and breathes. There will be a more in-depth report on the Patreon but do allow me to share a few of my favorite snaps from the week:

If I'm honest, I'm still processing the week and jealously guarding little nuggets of the experience before I share them, but I wanted to share these and tell you that whatever thing is waking you up at night- don't go back to sleep. Get up and put one tiny little piece in motion to make it come to life. Maybe it's a victory, and maybe it's not, but it is so so so worth finding out. I'm glad I listened to that persistent declaration in my ear "Make this."

Thank you, Muse, for not letting me sleep until I agreed. And thank you more than anything to the 12 souls, for sharing it with me. More on the Patreon soon, with BTS morsels.

If you'd like to be on the waitlist for Creatrix 2.0 of next year, tap the button below!

The Month of May on the Audacity Works Podlycast:

June's Woo Corner

May I present without a moment's delay- The Queen of Wands. Flaming June indeed.

This archetype reigns over the watery aspects of fire. If that doesn't make sense, think of the steam that rises off of logs in the sun, or the bubbling sap that boils out of a limb in a campfire. These elements oppose each other but exist at once, and much like that combination- the Queen of Wands is a bit of a paradox with a candy coating.

In her lightness, she represents endless capacity. You want some motivation? Here, she's literally made out of it. Want to feel stoked to make moves? Welcome to the thunderdome. Potential energy, abundant understanding, and the capacity to do literally any freakin thing you feel is necessary are her superpowers. She is completely unconcerned with fear, knowing the vast provision she has for drive and getting results. The leopard under her right hand represents fear, as most large cats do in the Thoth deck, and it's kind of her familiar. She not swayed by fear, she's befriended it. Fear comes to her for scritches.

In her shadow aspect, let's say that being a creature of fire and water she has feelings and passion in abundance- but not much stability or logic. If you ever loved someone (or are someone) who can hold a grudge for 20 years based on a perceived slight, you've met the Queen of Wands archetype. For all her great potential she can also be hot-tempered, irrationally judgmental, and intolerant.

IMO, this shadow aspect of her is an invitation to ask ourselves where we might be overly focusing on the shortcomings of others without being honest about our own contributions.

TLDR: she's here to give you the boom boom energy to do what you need. She has more than enough, so drink deeply. There is always more at her table.

She's also here to call you tf out and hold up a mirror for you. As a super fun tool to keep in your tool belt, anytime you're up to your armpits in feelings of self-righteousness is a good time to reflect on what we might be ignoring about our own complicity.

Give that big ole fear kitty some good scritches. She's your friend, after all.

May your flaming June be as voluptuous in its giving as you are. I'll be in touch later this week- you know I like to ask questions on my birfday!

Eat your fill, and don't go back to sleep.



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