March Woo Corner and other short stories

Welcome to Mad March! I don't know if it will be mad or not, but I am deeply excited that it's here! To everyone that wrote in after last week's little "two dumb things to cheer you up", hey, you made it. I am 100% down with the vibe that a flip of the calendar does mean something. Even the physical act of turning a calendar page is a ritual that holds water, and if you're anything like me you enjoy the hell out of that archaic, simple task.


Welcome to March. I use this monthly email as an easy-access way to sum up what I've put out, drop any news or announcements, and of course to dish out Woo Corner (you'll find it at the bottom of this email).

Oh the podlycast this past month:

News and Haps:

The Audacity Project, Cycle 26 is opening to the public on Monday, so get ready for your feeds to be black and gold for a few days:

This 8 week project is designed to give you the tools and support to get over the obstacles that are holding you back, give you some strategy, some confidence, and to get your shit together as a creative professional. If you don't want to hear about The Audacity Project, but you still want to be on my list, you can click here.

March Woo Corner

This past December, I drew a tarot card specifically for the readers of this list for every month in 2024. March brings us:

You're glad to see this, aren't you? You should be. Probably.

In it's most positive aspect, this is basically a postcard from the cosmos saying "enjoy yourself. Seriously, it's ok."

After the tumultuous nature of the past couple of months, a great deal of work has been done. The 6 of cups suggests we can enjoy the fact that we are in a place to be open to any direction. We can go whatever way we choose. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.


Option paralysis is a real thing- too many choices can lead to doing nothing at all. Doing nothing at all and being in an emotional stand-still is the shadow aspect of this card. But if you are in need of a compass, there's one built in right here.

Pleasure. I've given an extraordinary amount of tarot readings in the past month in which this card has come up. I kept seeing the same message over and over again- which was the cards practically yelling "please will you just use your own pleasure as a compass please and thank you!!!"

I got that message at least 8 times while reading for others this past month, and here we are again so- at the risk of sounding reductive:

Your pleasure is a fantastic compass. It's built right in. You can prioritize that. You can celebrate that. You can use your own joy as a metric for success, and you're being invited to do so. I know the news is devastating. I know many of your hearts are broken. I know some of you don't feel you have any right to your own pleasure while there is suffering elsewhere. Just remember-

Joy is an act of protest.

There is a reason it is not easier to be joyful. It can be hard work. You have to mean it. Despair is an easy, sustainable emotion. Your psychology will find comfort in the predictable nature of feeling like shit. It's joy that's not go gentle into that good night. Take your joy, soft human creature. I see you.

Don't go back to sleep.



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