The Key

Good morning and Happy friggin International Women's Day!

Imma tell you a story, and like all of my stories- it is true.

Once upon a time there lived a woman who made beautiful, terrible things, and who helped a lot of other people make beautiful, terrible things. (That's me.) Lots of people like to make things, but they do tend to make themselves an island. Isolated, and not leaning on anyone else during the making of the beautiful, terrible things.

For a long while, you can make things on your own, but it won't go farther than yourself without other people. So this woman (that's me) taught people how to swim off the island, and connect with other people to grow both your own world and your work inside of it. (This is week 4 of The Audacity Project).

Conveniently, she herself forgot to take her own advice when she moved across the country to a kingdom by the sea in South Carolina. Turns out, it is very easy to make yourself an island, and it can be quite hard to remember to swim off of it. Who knew!? (All of you knew).

So my word of the year this year is CONNECT, and I meant it. I started swimming off the island like it was my own Olympic sport. I found amazing women in my community who I thought were fabulous and who also scared me a little bit, and invited them to coffee. They all said yes! (You won't be surprised, but I was).

Life looks extremely different now than it did less than 2.5 months ago. I'm choreographing for local companies, teaching workshops, and I have -wait for it- a sponsored space to create work in. (Cue the parade!) Even more valuable, I have a handful of literal Goddesses that I now know I share a kingdom with. Just walkin around being spectacular all in the same place.

If that isn't an embarrassment of riches, I don't know what is.

Swimming off the island is the key. It is often the hardest part of the work, but it is the thing that's going to change your life.

For those of you who are embarking on Cycle 26 of The Audacity Project, you will begin to learn this almost immediately. It will be scary but I will be right there beside you the whole time- when I said unlimited support I meant it. People think I'm nuts for offering this, but if I weren't' going to be a part of this with you, it would just be a stand alone DIY course. Also I have boundaries- so don't worry about me.

As a reminder...

Today is the LAST DAY to book a call with me and to enroll in The Audacity Project, Cycle 26! Doors close tonight at midnight EST, and they won't be opening again. I am not sure when I'm going to offer another cycle. I don't say that to appear mysterious- I genuinely don't know.

Enrollment ends TONIGHT at 11:59pm EST. If you’ve been waiting, the tide is high! Welcome aboard! Grab an oar! And other maritime metaphors!

If you’re an artist, coach, or creative who needs to get their shit together and wants some strategic, detailed guidance on the way- this was built for you. I want to save you a year of your life figuring this stuff out on your own. Click here to learn more.

​When you take your work seriously, other people will, too.

​“I feel like I got so much more value than what I paid for. If I take everything into account that I’ve been able to do as a result of TAP, my ROI is 950% (yes I did the actual maths here).” -Verity, Cycle 24

Wisdom to take with you today:

If you're a woman or you love a woman- and I do mean ALL WOMEN, go have some fucking joy today and enjoy the hell out of it. Swim off your island, go tell someone incredible what her work has meant to you, pick up the key, and watch the boundaries of your world dissolve.

Don't go back to sleep.



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