two dumb things to cheer you up

Look...February is the month that won't stop coming. It's not BAD it's just FEBRUARY and we're over winter (excepting you folks on the other side...must be nice and warm in Perth right about now).

Also Woo Corner this month was a whole vibe of staring into the abyss- and it makes me want to check in. Especially about this particular bit:

The Moon is an invitation to do some shadow work, and acknowledge and integrate aspects of ourselves that we'd rather not admit to. This isn't a bad thing, but it's often an uncomfortable thing. If you're going to peer into the abyss, it behooves you to have tools and help along the way. Know who your supports are and call on them as needed. So grab yourself a trusted friend and have a nice long look into your own abyss to see what's staring back at you. And's not a murderous ghoul. It's YOU.

Here are two very silly but very real things that have helped me in some shadowy times. They are both images.

Here's the first one:

And here is the second one:

That's what I came to say. "No bitch, you look at me" and a giraffe blep. If you're in the theatre of abyss, you're not alone. Remember, much like the critters and flora that are waiting for spring to wake up, there is much beneath the surface we can't see yet.

Indulge in a secret smile because you know these things. Be patient, keep going. And if times get tough- giraffe blep.

Don't go back to sleep.


ps. Today is the last chance to join the waitlist for Cycle 26 of The Audacity Project. Cycle 26 will open for enrollment to the waitlist (and only to the waitlist) on Monday February 26th, and to the public a week later if there is still room. You can read more about The Audacity Project here, or click the button below to be added directly to the waitlist:


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