Woo Corner for April

Gonna switch things up this month, April's Woo Corner is coming first up and barreling forward, for reasons you will soon know!

For those who are new (hi! welcome!) Woo Corner is my monthly pocket of functional woo. I pulled a tarot card in December 2023 for each month of 2024, especially for this email list. You will receive it within the first few days of each new month, with some news and updates on the haps over here.

Without further ado, Woo Corner for April is:

The 3 of Discs. Works.

This card is not one of the bigger mysteries of tarot- it's pretty straightforward and what you see is what you get. It heralds work. WERK. It's the 3 of discs, which represent earthy things like money, plenty, home, and foundational success. Three is a very stable number, just as a pyramid is a very stable shape. What we are building is stability. This card suggests not only did you work well and diligently to get where you are, but that you might be savoring the first peachy flavors of success in a newer venture.

It's also here to remind you not to allow this first taste of victory to distract you from sustained effort. This is more prevalent than I'd like to admit- folks get the first sweet nectar of success and immediately set to sabotage all their efforts. Not because they are lazy, but usually because they were unprepared for the discomfort that comes with success.

I tell you now, prepare yourself to meet the discomfort of success. It is sharp in its sweetness and it can bring a whole buncha other things with it (survivor's guilt! self esteem issues! and more!). This isn't the case for everyone, but it happens enough that I'm telling you about it.

Success is more difficult to bear than sorrow because it feels unwieldy; cumbersome in its mania, and harder to sustain. And our nervous systems loooove sustainability! It makes sense if new success is uncomfortable. Don't you need to break in new shoes?? Sure your old stanky ones are comfy, but they're also old and stanky.

You will find a way to feel comfortable in your victory. If you don't yet, as my favorite Maestro Shante Cofield says, you've just identified your homework.

TL;DR: Press on. Keep it up. Do the things. Same way you would eat a whale. One. Bite. At. A. Time. Keep chewing. It's working.

On the Patreon:

Speaking of work. That's what we're doing. Reps, hours, werk. Rinse, repeat. It's not thrilling but it's how we build stable pyramids.

Latest (just dropped this am!) is below for patrons- thank you for standing with me! For everyone else, thank you for being here in this space! Please enjoy this angsty photo of me squirming around in a studio. Venue courtesy of the wonderful Cherry Bombs Pole Studio in Charleston, SC.

Here's an excerpt from a recent post to help make sense of the above title:

Running in the dark caverns, chasing dragons (or being chased by them), hoping to fall and cut myself on a diamond. Loving the whole dank, twisted shake down for exactly what it is. Twig by twig, we build the house. Each time I go into the space, right now my assignment is: Be Interested. If what I'm doing fails to interest me, I push deeper. Look under the rocks. Eat the worm. Squish squish. Bitter. Interesting! See how it works?

On the Podlycast:

March's audio offerings for you!

Alright friends, that's it from me today- a whole bunch of words for your brain to hopefully hear "Keep chewing. It's working." And also perhaps to have Rihanna in your head now. I know I do.

So here's to you and here's to me, and here's to finding all the worms.

Don't go back to sleep.



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