Woo Corner for May 2023

IT'S MAY. Ok as we accept this sudden new reality, I guess that's just a thing that's going to keep on happening- time passing.

If you're here for the Woo Corner, you'll find it at the end of this update; feel free to scroll down if that's why you've come. Otherwise come on in. Sit down, stay awhile.

This monthly writing is where you'll find a summary of the happenings in my world during April, as well as upcoming offerings. This structure is loosely adapted lovingly stolen from one of my favorite muses The Movement Maestro. So of course I have something to say about that.

I see a lot of resistance to people (especially artists) being influenced by others. They ARE influenced, but they don't want to ADMIT they are influenced, which strikes me as a little bit foot-stampy. And I get it, we all want to feel we own our work and came up with it ALL BY OURSELVES. Except that's kind of not possible. I experienced a lot of this as an emerging artist (I had limitless hubris) and surrender felt so much better. So that's my question if you're struggling with not wanting to admit you carry other people's flavors around in your work: wouldn't it feel better to embrace the experience of being inspired by others? What might that look like?

On the Patreon:

I give a play by play on my recent experience with getting a small abdominal surgery hahaha. Spoiler, I'm recovering well. But it's always interesting to me to describe an experience I don't have every day. It's a bizarre thing, going to sleep only to have someone rummage around in your belly for a while, then you wake up and go home and everything is fine. What a time to be alive!

The podcast, Audacity Works (see below) and all of my artistic work is powered by Patreon, making so much of what I do possible in bigger and better ways. Thank you for standing with me. ~*~

In Audaciousness:

I just need to give a quick shout out to the current Cycle 26 of The Audacity Project for being AUDACIOUS AF. They are changing careers, creating shows, making very tough life choices, cutting things out of their lives, inventing things that have never existed before, and doing the long hard slog of telling the truth about who they are as creators in black and white.


Every cycle I think I can't possibly be more ensorcelled by the bravery of a group of people, and every cycle I'm proven wrong.

By the time next month's Woo Corner comes around, we will have wrapped up our work, so I didn't want to miss the chance to acknowledge their badassery. Thank you for trusting me, but thank you even more for trusting yourselves.

There won't be another cycle until this fall, if you too desire to take a trip down the rabbit hole of your own creative life and tell the truth about what you find there. Information and waitlist can be found here.

On the Podlycast:

May's Woo Corner:

In December of 2023 I pulled a tarot card for each month of 2024, specifically for the readers of this list. May I congratulate you? Let me congratulate you. Because May's pull is:

Let me give this to you directly from the original booklet, because it is one of the few descriptions that I have memorized by heart:

"Pure, exalted and gracious influence enters the matter at hand."

In other words, it appears we have an opportunity to experience surrender. With that surrender, I hope you'll experience relief. Whether you've been having a hard time or a good time, I invite you to look down at your knuckles, holding the reins of your life.

Are they white?

Do you have to try so hard, or can you loosen your grip a little? Can you give yourself some ease simply by choosing to be easier?

The High Priestess is a representative of the darkest and most mysterious feminine forces that exist in all of us. Like most daemon goddesses, she is unknowable in her entirety. She does not respond to commandments or limitations. She is completely ungovernable.

What within us has remained ungovernable, and wild as the tidal, alligator infested swamplands of South Carolina? I'm not saying invite that part forward, because that part needs no invitation. I'm just saying, you've been ushered an invitation to loosen your grip and surrender to a force that doesn't take no for an answer anyway. You might as well enjoy the presence of that wisdom, and feel a little comradery with the mystery of it all.

Most decks/readers urge caution around this card, and encourage folks to "maintain careful balance". I say to hell with all that shit. I've never in my life seen a human capable of maintaining careful balance. If you're going to get pulled to the wayside, get pulled. Go all in. Learn something about yourself in how you meet that moment. That's the POINT of surrender, isn't it? To allow something to happen to us?

So here's to you, and here's to me, and here's to some dank unknowable wisdom that we never saw coming. It might be a tidal wave, it might be a deep peace. Enjoy the ride.

Upcoming Opportunities

In a couple of weeks, I'm going to relaunch my DIY course for choreographic tools for movers, Diamonds in the Dark, with a live-action bonus that you can attend, save, and use forever. No action needed, I'll be coming around with some tasty things then, in case you're hungry.

Don't go back to sleep.



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