January Woo Corner is here

Excellent monsters, happiest of new years to you!

Welcome to the monthly round table! If you're here for Woo Corner, you can scroll down to the last section. Or sit down and stay awhile, I use this monthly installment to give you an overview of the haps, for any news, and of course...for Woo Corner.

It's January and as predicted, I was ready for No-work December to end. When I go troll-mode I go HARD so there was no nap left un-napped, no bad movie left unwatched, and no Bernie cuddle left un-cuddled. I am rested and I am ready to grow, build, and burn as needed. I hope you feel good in your body and fired up for...whatever has got you by the hand right now.

some news...

Spaces available at Sweet Retreats!

Two spaces have become available for Full Circle, the aerial hoop retreat I'm co-teaching with the wonderful Jenny Tufts at Sweet Retreats in Mexico. There is one space each in Intermediate and Advanced. I don't expect them to last long, so if you've had enough winter and want to warm up and get weird with us next month, click here for allll the details.

On the podlycast:

In 2024, guest episodes are going to appear 1x per month- as of the sharing of this newsletter, the first one will already be out and I am FREAKIN PUMPED to announce that it's with the fantastic Dr. Shante Cofield, aka The Movement Maestro- a woman who has a profoundly positive impact on my life. I wanted to bring her on first, because this podcast would not exist without her influence. So if you wanna jump the gun and get right to that- you can find it here. December episodes included:

Episode 58: An Exercise on Pleasure, and what to post on the 'Gram

Episode 59: No-work December, and the tiers of an artistic career

Episode 60: How long should an ambient aerial set be? A spicy rant

Episode 61: Making a Film: What you need to begin (it's not as much as you think)

On the Patreon:

Most of what goes on the Patreon is never shared anywhere else- it's my inner sanctum. I practice what I preach, so I lay low for most of December- but there were some delightfully witchy images since me and Max Cooper got to spend a few days being feral in the murder barn/in the woods.

I've been getting some questions from folks about collaboration- how to pursue it, and how to choose your collaborators wisely. I'm gathering some resources for this, but the truth is that I've been just stupidly, tremendously lucky. I've had a handful of problem children when it comes to collaborators, but mostly I'm just the beneficiary of dumb luck. Or whatever force it was that decided me and Max would live in the same dorms in 2002, and our paths intersect so we are still making photos together nearly 20 years later. Here's a teaser, and a fitting portrait of exactly the creature I am at 41. In the woods. In December. #SwampWitch

There's also a secret podcast episode on the Patreon that won't be made public- it's an Origin Story for anyone who likes the history of an artist (in this case...me) and Southern accents.

And without further ado...

Woo Corner, January 2024

On the full moon in December I pulled a card for every month of 2024, especially for the readers on this list. I am pleased to inform you that January's card is:

For anyone who's ever learned tarot, or pulled a card every day for themselves, you'll know that one card keeps coming up again. And again. And again. In ways that seem mathematically impossible, you keep getting the same message. The Magus has been that card for me, so buckle up. We have a relationship and I have things to say about this influence.

If I had to summarize the message of the Magus, it would be this:

A power is ready to use as soon as it is recognized.

You may recognize a potential in yourself and file it away under Things To Some Day Possibly Think About. Or use nonsense phrases like "I just need to figure out ____." (Don't ever fall for that phrase. It's where ambition goes to die. It means nothing.)

You don't need 50 walks in the woods or 200 morning pages to use your potential. You can use it now- and January demands that you acknowledge this fact. Seeing The Magus and gulping as though your name has been called is an appropriate response.

Your name has been called. Your number is up. Please come to the front of the class. It is go time. And any number of other commandments I could give you to underscore the fact that there is only one cure for what ails you, and it is action.

The Magus is the embodiment of creative force in action. There is no theory about this card. It is all action. It is an impatient card, meaning that when you see it, you already know about The Thing You Want to Do, you just haven't taken action to the Magus' satisfaction yet.

If you HAVE taken action and action is easy for you, consider your bias. You might be well aware you're type-A, or a high achiever. This gift comes with a blindfold...it has to. When you have a talent for Doing Things, you must rely on your own judgement. The reason I'm bringing this up is that the Magus isn't just about achievement.

The Magus is about a soul contract.

Picture you, before you even had a name, floating in the ether. You've agreed to become incarnate and experience the mortal coil in all its sublime torment and delight. There are other things you agreed to as well. That agreement was an act of great courage, and it's time for you to use it. Your name has been called, and it might have nothing or little to do with your career or your business. Maybe it does, I don't know. But you do. Consider what your gifts are- your person, human gifts as well as your spiritual gifts. All of these are to be used. What in you has been delegated to wait in line? Perhaps rethink that order of events.

There's no punishment if you say no. There's no guaranteed reward if you say yes. Only the piercing joy of knowing yourself and using all of you.

We need all of you. Please, if there's a bit of you that's gathering dust on the shelf, take it down and use the good china.

If you know exactly what this refers to and want to share, feel free to hit reply and tell me. I read every response.

Goddess speed my friends. Use all of you and

don't go back to sleep.



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