
Welcome to Rachel Strickland Creative!

I help artists and creative entrepreneurs get their shit together. This list is the best way to learn about offerings, opportunities, and to get a regular dose of inspiration when you need it. Sprinkled with my TMI true stories and functional woo, I'm glad you're here. Sit down, stay awhile.

tiny birthday ask

Dear people I have actually very real relationships with even though it is through the internet, I'm writing to you on my 42nd birfday to ask a question of you. That question is, What would you like to learn/see from me? Click here to respond! I asked this on my 40th birthday, and I got very surprising answers! As a response to those answers (like 40% of them said magic or witchcraft) I made Creatrix. So I am actually listening. I promise I will be reading every single response, and taking...

Flaming June's Woo Corner

Greetings, most excellent humans, and finally- WELCOME TO SUMMER! If you've come just for the functional woo, you can find it at the bottom of this email. If you're at your leisure, sit down. Stay awhile, you're very welcome. If you had a liberal arts education which- I suspect- a fair amount of you had, the subject of this email might bring to mind this Victorian-era painting from Frederic Leighton: Flaming June That's it, there's no lesson involved. I just really like this painting and it...

Woo Corner for May 2023

IT'S MAY. Ok as we accept this sudden new reality, I guess that's just a thing that's going to keep on happening- time passing. If you're here for the Woo Corner, you'll find it at the end of this update; feel free to scroll down if that's why you've come. Otherwise come on in. Sit down, stay awhile. This monthly writing is where you'll find a summary of the happenings in my world during April, as well as upcoming offerings. This structure is loosely adapted lovingly stolen from one of my...

Woo Corner for April

Gonna switch things up this month, April's Woo Corner is coming first up and barreling forward, for reasons you will soon know! For those who are new (hi! welcome!) Woo Corner is my monthly pocket of functional woo. I pulled a tarot card in December 2023 for each month of 2024, especially for this email list. You will receive it within the first few days of each new month, with some news and updates on the haps over here. Without further ado, Woo Corner for April is: The 3 of Discs. Works....

The Key

Good morning and Happy friggin International Women's Day! Imma tell you a story, and like all of my stories- it is true. Once upon a time there lived a woman who made beautiful, terrible things, and who helped a lot of other people make beautiful, terrible things. (That's me.) Lots of people like to make things, but they do tend to make themselves an island. Isolated, and not leaning on anyone else during the making of the beautiful, terrible things. For a long while, you can make things on...

the importance of being friggin terrible

I've been taking singing lessons on and off since 2010. Mostly off, if I'm honest. with a former teacher, the lovely Ms. Billings, in her home studio in Summerville 2019 I started in opera, studied classical for a while, and now I'm tits-deep in Speech Level Singing- and I'm just awful at it y'all. I'm not a terrible singer in general, but I learned when I was a kid by singing Disney songs, sea shanty's, and Irish ballads to myself. As a result, I have what you might call a "Disney Princess"...

Enrollment is OPEN for the Audacity Project: bonus workshop for early adapters

Enrollment is OPEN for The Audacity Project: Cycle 26 Cycle runs: March 10-May 11, 2024 Enrollment closes Friday, 3/8/24, at 11:59pm EST Greetings, good humans! The time is nigh, enrollment is now OPEN to the public for The Audacity Project Cycle 26! Huzzah! What it is: The Audacity Project is a guided 8 week process to equip creatives with the tools necessary to be working professionals. It is a 100% online course in creative and professional development, and has been tried and tested with...

March Woo Corner and other short stories

Welcome to Mad March! I don't know if it will be mad or not, but I am deeply excited that it's here! To everyone that wrote in after last week's little "two dumb things to cheer you up", hey, you made it. I am 100% down with the vibe that a flip of the calendar does mean something. Even the physical act of turning a calendar page is a ritual that holds water, and if you're anything like me you enjoy the hell out of that archaic, simple task. *exhale* Welcome to March. I use this monthly email...

two dumb things to cheer you up

Look...February is the month that won't stop coming. It's not BAD it's just FEBRUARY and we're over winter (excepting you folks on the other side...must be nice and warm in Perth right about now). Also Woo Corner this month was a whole vibe of staring into the abyss- and it makes me want to check in. Especially about this particular bit: The Moon is an invitation to do some shadow work, and acknowledge and integrate aspects of ourselves that we'd rather not admit to. This isn't a bad thing,...

February Woo Corner is here

Fellow monsters/angels/animals, Welcome to February! If anyone celebrated Imbolc, I hope it treated you kindly. If you've no idea what Imbolc is and want some background on that, I've got a witchy, historical podcast just for you right here. Normally, I'd have been baking bread and giving the corners of my floors their annual scrubbing. Instead, I enjoyed the holiday from Sweet Retreats, Mexico- a place I have long desired to make a pilgrimage- co-leading two retreats with my wonderful friend...
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