tiny birthday ask

Published 19 days ago • 1 min read

Dear people I have actually very real relationships with even though it is through the internet,

I'm writing to you on my 42nd birfday to ask a question of you.

That question is, What would you like to learn/see from me?

I asked this on my 40th birthday, and I got very surprising answers! As a response to those answers (like 40% of them said magic or witchcraft) I made Creatrix.

So I am actually listening. I promise I will be reading every single response, and taking them to heart.

Examples include general witchery (although specifics are welcome), business, art making, the business of art, how to freaking survive as an artist, etc. I almost put breadmaking in there but I do NOT want to teach that, and frankly have no expertise in it. :)

If the spirit moves you, I would be grateful to hear whatever you want to say. There is no expiration date although before Tuesday would be amaze balls.

Thank you, and thank you for being here. I don't take it for granted.

Don't go back to sleep.



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